Academy Mission
Academy occupies a special place in the educational and scientific space of St. Petersburg and the North-West of Russia. It makes an important contribution to the development of humanitarian culture, spiritual and moral education, civil and patriotic education, and is a scientific and theological platform for interreligious dialogue.
Academy serves - Man, Motherland, Culture, God.
The mission in relation to each specific person who came to study at the Academy is to help him in personal and professional growth.
Russia is going through difficult times, the country is searching for a new cultural identity, the society lacks competent professionals. The mission of the Academy in relation to society is the training of highly qualified specialists who will contribute to the development of their city, people, country. The social position of the RCCA is enlightened patriotism, free from indiscriminate criticism and blind borrowing, on the one hand, and from uncritical nationalism, on the other.
The mission in relation to culture is the service to eternal values, a creative and responsible attitude towards the future thanks to loyalty to traditions. The highest spiritual values, refusing which culture dies, are truth, goodness and beauty. A person who seeks truth, indirectly, even if he does not realize it, strives for God. The Academy can help him in this search.
Serving God is about sharing His word and commandments through learning and dialogue. The ultimate goal of education is to recreate the image of God according to which man was created. At the same time, the RCAH remains a secular educational institution, alien to any kind of clericalism. We help a person in spiritual orientation, but we do not impose anything. The RCAH is a two-way bridge between religion and society.
A special task is to organize an inter-confessional and inter-religious dialogue, focused on the content that unites, rather than divides the great spiritual traditions. In this aspect, the Academy is the only successful experience of interfaith communication in the history of Russian pedagogy so far.