Benefits of studying at the Academy
- Guaranteed high quality education. Classes according to the author's programs are conducted by professors and associate professors of theRussian Christian Academy for the Humanities , leading universities and academic institutions of St. Petersburg, the best teachers-practitioners, as well as invited foreign experts (in particular, native speakers of a foreign language and culture - from Italy, Japan and other countries).
- Education and vibrant student life in the heart of St. Petersburg: nab. Fontanka River, 15. A few minutes walk from Gostiny Dvor, the Russian Museum and the Summer Garden. RCAH is a St. Petersburg university for the humanities both in its inner essence and in its place in the architectural space of St. Petersburg. The Academy is located in the so-called "golden triangle", between the Anichkov Bridge and the Engineering Castle, opposite the Palace of Count Sheremetyev, which now houses the Anna Akhmatova Museum. This is Petersburg F.M. Dostoevsky and K.N. Leontiev, Leningrad A. Akhmatova and I. Brodsky.
- All levels of education are represented at the Academy: College - Bachelor's - Master's - Postgraduate - Additional education. Education is possible in full-time, part-time (evening) and part-time forms (including using distance learning technologies). The choice is yours.
- Individualization of learning: learning in small groups, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of students, the possibility of accelerated learning according to an individual curriculum. A value-oriented approach to education and upbringing is the basis of the scientific and pedagogical school of the RCAH.
- Students of the RCAH have the same rights as students of state universities - preferential travel in public transport, deferment from military service, medical care, a hostel for students from other regions.
- Participation of students in scientific and applied research (conferences, practices, internships, publications in scientific journals of the Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities , etc.). The powerful scientific and methodological work of teachers, graduate students and university students is a worthy foundation for educational activities.
- Opportunity to simultaneously master the main educational program and the program of additional education chosen by you (for example, in the field of foreign languages, psychology, information technology or art history). Based on the results of the training, you will receive 2 diplomas: a state-recognized diploma of higher education and a diploma of professional retraining, which will certainly create advantages for you when applying for a job.
Congratulations to the students and teachers of the RCAH on successfully passing the state accreditation!
Today, the RCAH is a unique private humanitarian university in St. Petersburg, at which all levels of education (from college to graduate school) have state accreditation.