RCAH in the scientific and educational space of St. Petersburg and Russia
The Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities was established by a team of research philosophers and teachers in 1989 as a private institution of higher education offering systematic fundamental education in the humanities (ancient languages, history of world culture, philosophy, etc.), taking into account the value components of Christianity as a general foundation of European culture. RCAH is essentially a research university, since education is built in accordance with the author's developments, and the research and publishing activities of the Academy are supported by leading Russian scientific foundations (RFBR, RNF, RHSF).
At the photo: the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Exhibition of scientific papers on Russian history published with the support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RHSF) (September 2019). Presentation of RCAH publications.
The RCAH Scientific and Pedagogical School of the "Value-cultural pedagogy, the philosophy of historical, regional forms of education and topical problems of the interaction of religious cultures in the educational environment" (supervisor D.K. Bogatyrev) is included in the Register of leading scientific and scientific-pedagogical schools of St. Petersburg. The value foundation of the educational programs of the RCAH allows to promote the formation of an environment of enlightened patriotism, interreligious interaction and social solidarity by means of pedagogy. Being a platform for interfaith dialogue in St. Petersburg and the Northwestern Federal District, the Academy is an accumulator of positive social initiatives and effective practices.
Scientific projects
The RCAH has created unique conditions for the development of science: accumulating the achievements of Russia's leading humanists, the Academy offers a modern and dynamic system for implementing research activities and broadcasting its results through publishing, educational and educational activities. The Academy occupies a leading position in the competitions of Russian foundations in the humanities, is one of the five universities that receive grants in the Northwestern Federal District, and has held the first place among non-state universities in Russia for many years. Over the years of cooperation with the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (formerly RHF), more than 300 scientific projects of the Russian Chemical Academy of Arts have been supported, and more than 150 volumes dedicated to milestones in world and national history and culture have been published in the publishing series "Russian Way: pro et contra". The Russian Way: pro et contra series can be considered a significant world-class scientific achievement over a quarter of a century. The RCAH demonstrates high rates of scientific activity, which is achieved due to the established authority and many years of work of teams that include leading humanities scholars of Russia.
Infographics of financing of scientific projects for 10 years
According to the monitoring of the effectiveness of research activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for 2016-2018, the RCAH entered the top three leading universities in Russia, losing only to the grants - NRU-HSE and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
Publication activity
The infographic shows the dynamics of the number of RCAH publications since 2012 in scientific databases
Dynamics of indicators for 5 years